Lokalna Grupa Działania „Zielony Pierścień”
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The Girls’ School of Farming in Nałęczów



The Girls’ School of Farming in Nałęczów was established thanks to the efforts and funding of the underground Landowning Girls’ Association. The association aimed to raise awareness among young women in the then partitioned country enslaved by the foreign rulers, and to incite them to activity and more engagement in farming. In the School of Landowning Girls, the girls learnt self-reliance, resourcefulness, independence, economizing and patriotism. Young girls from small farms were the students. The course lasted 11 months and encompassed both theoretical and practical classes. The taught subjects included basic knowledge of natural sciences, animal anatomy, hygiene, budget running, law, farmers’ privileges and religion. Every week the students baked sourdough bread and delicious rolls for Sundays. Each of the girls engaged in gardening and had five several-metre-wide garden plots to grow carrots, parsley, cabbage, lettuce and cucumbers, and their crops were evaluated. Red and yellow tomatoes as well as splendid pumpkins and cucurbits were grown in hotbeds. The girls were also taught how to make dresses and learnt all kinds of needlework: crocheting, knitting and embroidering. The students embroidered blouses and bed linen, tablecloths and table napkins. The embroidery patterns from the Landowning Girls’ School have been preserved until the present day. Ladies from the “Ziemianka” [Landowning Girl] Embroidery Club located at the Nałęczów Culture Centre use this treasury of local embroidery in order to continue old traditions


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