Lokalna Grupa Działania „Zielony Pierścień”
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Folk House



The Folk House,erected in 1907 by the residents of Zabłocie and Góry, was previously located on the site of the current building, opened for use a few years ago. It used to house a library, consumers’ cooperative, and the first in the vicinity, milk cooperative. Local residents learnt how to read and write here. Regular patrons of the place included Stefan Żeromski, as well as Bolesław Prus and social workers and educators of great merit who contributed to the region’s development, such as Kazimierz Dulęba, Stefania Sempołowska, Wanda Wejcherówna and Irena Kosmowska. In other words, the Folk House in Zabłocie was full of activists willing to propagate education. What is more, they were greatly respected by the local residents. Naturally, the list of visitors also includes Jan Pocek who was born and raised in Zabłocie. The visits and lectures of eminent guests must have had an impact of the development of the later glorifier of the region.


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